I Am Enough

A few weeks back, I was sitting with some girlfriends and we were talking about an assignment we had to submit. We talked about how complicated and demanding it was. Then one girl said, ” I just can’t do it. I I’m not smart enough.” Lol. I looked right back at her and said that’sContinue reading “I Am Enough”

Geared up To Lead Tomorrow

My Development as a Future Leader In this fast-evolving world, there is an invitation for a new breed of leadership: Leadership that is innovative, diverse and inclusive. To lead in the 21st century it is essential for #GirlOnTheMove like myself, to seek knowledge and constantly develop herself. This blog reflects on how I have developedContinue reading “Geared up To Lead Tomorrow”

Deal or No Deal? What is the Purple Plan?

Cadbury In The Face of BREXIT – A Blog on Change Management A few weeks back, I went on an educational visit to Cadbury World, a giant chocolate company owned by Mondelez, in Birmingham, where we were briefed on their marketing and leadership strategies. I was very interested in our conversations on BREXIT and Cadbury’sContinue reading “Deal or No Deal? What is the Purple Plan?”

She’s You, She’s Me, She’s …

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken. — Oscar Wilde. She is Disruptive! But not in the sense your mind is thinking She is Radical. Its Transformational You might want to fit her into your perspective The Outlaw She is But remember, She is disruptive   When will you learn? That it’s bad news toContinue reading “She’s You, She’s Me, She’s …”

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